Receive Letters Securely with a Wall Mounted Letter box Alternative

We all receive letters, such as promotional leaflets, bank statements with confidential information, and personal letters from friends or family. The big question is, how do you safely receive and store your letters when you’re away.

There are two major problems. The first is having a mound of letters pile up on your doorstep whilst you’re away. There can be no more informative way of telling passers-by you’re not at home, and they are welcome to help themselves. The second problem is identity theft. All someone needs to do is take one of your bank statements, and they have enough information to clone you. Most commonly, this done by applying for a credit card in your name. You’ll only find out a month later when the statement arrives through your door.

Most homes have a wall mounted letter box to receive post, but could there be an alternative; a more secure method of safely receiving letters?

We suggest a far better solution. Instead of having a wall mounted letter box, why not have a parcel postbox? The advantage of having one of these delivery boxes is because they can also be used as a home parcel box. Parcel drop boxes made by My Parcel Box have a patented design, innovated in the UK, which not only keeps your letters securely, but also stores your parcels too.

Using boxes for parcels means you’ll never miss a parcel again. You can rest assured your letters will be waiting for you, protected by these boxes for delivery. These boxes for parcels are made of Aluzinc sheet metal, which is corrosion resistant and allows us to offer a 5-year guarantee and have stainless steel levers and lock mechanisms for resilience and permanence. You have peace of mind that the contents of your parcel postbox are secure from inclement weather and unwanted attempts of theft.

As well as being far superior to a letterbox, delivery boxes are also capable of storing your  parcels whenever you are not available to receive them. So, even if you are home, but busy working, you don’t have to worry about being disturbed by the courier. You can carry on working from home, safe in the knowledge you have a home parcel box, which is an ideal solution to keep them safe.

Another advantage of a wall mounted letter box such as a My Parcel Box is they can hold large letters and lots of them, making it ideal if you work from home and receive lots of correspondence from the office. You no longer need to worry about being disturbed by a courier whilst on a conference call, safe in the knowledge your parcel postbox can receive your post on your behalf.

In some situations, the courier may require a signature, or may require the parcel to be handed to the occupant. However, when using secure boxes for parcels, the courier can take a video with his phone of the package being delivered to the parcel postbox. This means the end of receiving notes saying they couldn’t deliver. These notes usually come with information about when they’ll attempt to deliver again, or giving details for you to collect the package yourself. This can be a big inconvenience, costing you time and money.

Even if you do have a wall mounted letter box, there is no substitute for delivery boxes and they are the best alternative to a wall mounted letter box, because they can store many more letters and parcels safely. These parcel drop boxes are designed and developed in the UK, specifically with security and accessibility in mind. They continue receiving parcels and letters until they are full, at which point they will automatically lock and not allow any more parcels to be received, although they will still continue to receive letters.

These parcel drop boxes come in three sizes, so there will always be an option which suits your needs and can take care of the volume of letters and parcels you typically receive. Our home parcel box has three different styles of roof: pitched roof, garden roof and flat roof. And these boxes for delivery also come in two formats: standalone and built-in. The variations in these boxes for parcels is so you can customise them, providing you with your own unique parcel postbox.

Call us today on 01753 668550 or send us a WhatsApp from the website to get your hands on one of our delivery boxes. Parcel drop boxes are the best alternative to a wall mounted letter box, because they are safe, secure, and waterproof. They give you peace of mind, which is just what’s required in our busy lives, safe in the knowledge your letters and parcel will be safe inside your home parcel box… until you return.


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