Commercial Apartment Boxes for Parcels on Building Estates

No one wants to return home to find their parcels on the doorstep, realising they’re lucky they haven’t been pinched. Equally, no one relishes receiving an email saying their parcel has been left in a safe location – you scratch your head wondering where this safe place may be, only to come home and find it’s your bin!
If you are building apartments for the future, you will want to give your properties the edge, to draw in buyers looking to make life easier for themselves. No doubt many will have already experienced the nightmare of running around an apartment block trying to find the parcel a courier has claimed to have delivered, hoping it is not another case of parcel theft.
Therefore, you may want to consider the option of providing your tenants with apartment delivery boxes. For tenants, having an apartment with its own, dedicated parcel postbox may be just the ticket to push them over the edge and sign up there and then. Particularly if these parcel drop boxes are fitted with delivery sensors, so they receive a notification whenever a letter or parcel is received.
Most tenants are busy working all day long, and ordering online, because they do not have the time, or inclination, to go to the shops. At the end of their working day, they just want to go home, cook dinner and put their feet up for a while. They do not want to trot off to their local parcel locker on the way home to collect parcels, or hunt around the foyer to find the parcel they ordered and was told it was left in ‘reception’. How much better it would be if they could come home of an evening, go to their home parcel box, safe in the reassurance their parcels will be waiting for them. No fuss, no hassle, just consistent reliability.
As an Estate Manager it would be so much more satisfying to see contented tenants, reassured by the knowledge that their parcels can always be delivered directly to them, as opposed to seeing them squabbling amongst themselves trying to work out where their parcel has gone astray. It’s enough to make you want to place an order for parcel drop boxes straightaway.
We have the perfect answer for your prayers. Our delivery boxes come in two sizes, Medium and Large. The Medium boxes for parcels stacks three-high and can be bolted side-by-side, whilst the Large boxes for delivery stack two-high. Both configurations reach a stacked height of 162cm, so they can co-exist together and not look out of place.
Our parcel postbox can receive multiple deliveries, is simple for couriers to use because it does not require codes to open it, and is tamper proof. You cannot place your arm inside and pull out parcels, as you can with other, inferior products. These boxes for delivery are made from Aluzinc, which is a corrosion-resistant material, for peace of mind. It allows you to deploy your delivery boxes inside or outside. They are also waterproof, so soggy parcels will not be an issue for your tenants.
A home parcel box can be anchored to a wall, anchored to the ground or mounted on a post. They can even be anchored between posts, as shown in this image:

The same for blocks of apartments can also be said for housing developments. Any property developer would be shrewd to supply new builds with parcel drop boxes, so residents can order online and always know their parcel will be delivered safely and securely. Who would not want a new build with a secure home parcel box fitted, before they move in? It will definitely add value to the property, but, more importantly, it’s the sort of feature that will bowl people over, having them wanting to sign on the dotted line, and moving in as quickly as possible.

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