Is a Secure Parcel Postbox Suitable for Me?

The attraction of the modular features of My Parcel Box makes these boxes for parcels suitable for installation at any kind of property. These delivery boxes can be anchored to the ground, anchored to a wall, or mounted on a post. This style of installation is called standalone. They can also be built into a wall, fence, a garage wall, or even into the side of a house, if it is internally insulated properly. This style of installation is called Built-In. There are two variations on the built-in theme. There are those parcel drop boxes that are built, in their entirety, into the housing, but there are also delivery boxes which only use the drawer section, which is built into a one-off, customised housing. This type of home parcel box is called a Bespoke installation. Then there is the apartment option. This is when the boxes for parcels are bolted on top of each other and bolted side-to-side. The delivery boxes are fitted with flat roofs, the Medium can stack three-high and the Large can stack two-high. The Extra-Large parcel postbox is too big and tall to be stacked like this, so it is not available for apartment parcel drop boxes.

The big question you might be asking yourselves is, what makes these boxes for delivery so secure? These parcel drop boxes act as a one-way valve, once you put your parcel in the drawer and close it, it cannot come out the same way. Not only do these boxes for delivery secure your parcels, but they also conceal them, so no one knows if your home parcel box has parcels inside or not. The only way to extract your parcels from your parcel postbox is to retrieve them via the retrieval door, which can be mounted on the front or rear. And to open the retrieval door, you must have the key. The lock has three levers on it, made from stainless steel, so it is not easy to break-in, even if you do have a crowbar. Thus, you can happily leave your home parcel box and go out for the day, confident that your parcels are securely held inside. With some boxes for delivery, you can put your arm inside the chute and pull out parcels. However, with these boxes for delivery, thanks to their patented design, this cannot happen.

These delivery boxes incorporate gutter channels above the door and drawer, which means any rainwater is channelled away, keeping the contents bone dry, in all weathers. They are also the only boxes for delivery made from Aluzinc, which is an alloy especially designed to prevent corrosion, so now you won’t have to worry about your home parcel box going rusty shortly after installation. Instead, these parcel drop boxes are guaranteed for 5-years, and will survive, without corrosion, for a very long time.

These delivery boxes are very useful for apartments, because the courier can make their delivery in the foyer, without having to worry about hunting around extensive apartment blocks to find the right door. Always mount your parcel postbox in an area where it is clearly visible to the courier. Offering parcel drop boxes for your residents is a great way to retain tenants, because of the obvious benefits these delivery boxes bring. Not only this, but they also make a great selling point too.

These boxes for delivery are flat packed too, which is a first for this industry. However, they are very easy to assemble and the instructions are clearly laid out on the website. The only tool you require for this job is a standard posidrive screwdriver. When putting your home parcel box together, you will have to decide whether you would like the access door on the front or rear of the parcel postbox. Apart for this, the options are limitless, and there really is no end to the inventive ways people have used to install their boxes for parcels.
No special tools are required for installing your parcel postbox, but you will require a 14mm masonry bit if you intend to mount you home parcel box onto a wall, or into the ground.

These parcel drop boxes are sold throughout the world, and are the only boxes for delivery to have such a global reach. The secure, patented design makes these boxes for parcels the most trustworthy on the market, and they reduce our impact on the environment by eliminating trips back and forth between home and the courier depot

If you have any queries, please give us a call on 01753 668550, or send us a WhatsApp via our online chat widget, and we would be only too pleased to help you.

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